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Blind With Vision

I may not be able to see the sun shining in the sky above

I may not be able to see the flight of an early morning dove

I may not be able to see the moon as it glows throughout the night

I may not be able to see the stars how I remembered they shined so bright

I may not be able to see the trees as they sway in the wind

I may not be able to see the face of my closest friends

I may not be able to see the smile that's upon your face

I may not be able to see when you want to come give me a warm embrace


I may not be able to see the children as they play in the park

I may not be able to see the light when it's shining in the dark

I may not be able to see the water as it flows in the brook 

I may not be able to see the words that are printed in a book

I may not be able to see my daughter walk across the stage when she graduates in May

I may not be able to see the aisle I escort her down on her very special wedding day

I may not be able to see my grandchildren when they are born in this world

but they will be so precious to me like rubies, diamonds, and pearls


I may not be able to see my fiance', all day we have been apart when she enters the room 

I will greet her with a kiss for we both share the same heart 

A man that finds a wife finds a good thing

I'm often reminded of this when she holds my hand and I feel her engagement ring

I may not be able to see all that you're able to see  

but greater is he who lives and dwells deep down inside of me

You see these dark glasses and this cane and it helped you make a final decision

But I serve an awesome God that loves me and he sees I'm blind with vision


                                                                                    -Jeffrey Bryant

You Don’t See What I See


You don’t see what I see

It’s a gift that God has given to every believer for free

Hopefully, after you read this short poem of mine

You’ll start to see things just like me


You wake up in the morning mummering about your day ahead

I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread

You look out the window and see the dark rain clouds

and wish they would go away

I look out the window and see the sun shining,

the birds singing as if it were the month of May


You’re driving into work yelling and screaming

about everything that’s going wrong

I’m riding in on the bus praising God for

giving me a brand new song

You’re sitting at your desk complaining about

co-workers, so you take a break and

go outside before you start to curse

I look around at my situation and thank God

because things could be a whole lot worse


While outside you see a man with a cane smiling while he crosses a busy street

He’s just grateful to be alive and in his right mind because he still

has his ears, his hands, and his feet

Your workday is over and you pull up to the front of your house

Now you have to go cook dinner, help with homework

and deal with an extremely lazy spouse

I walk into my apartment and yes, it’s pretty small

But there to greet me with open arms and a kiss is my wife

holding my hand so I don’t stumble or fall


The day has finally come to an end

and the past twelve hours seems like nothing but a blur

It’s still a day the Lord has made… I’m glad

So, I’ve decided to call those things as though they were

In bed you toss and turn unable to rest

because your worried about what tomorrow has in store

A mind stayed on Him He will keep in perfect peace 

I'm sound asleep because in Him I do adore

You might see the glass half empty

Others may see the glass half full

I’m blind but tremendously blessed so I choose to see

the glass flowing over with God’s love, peace and happiness


                                                                                 -Jeffrey Bryant


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